Connect My Sales Product Tags

The core of Connect My Sales functionality is its ability to transfer e-commerce order, product and contact data to Infusionsoft.  No doubt, that saves lots of time in getting e-commerce data to Infusionsoft.

To more fully leverage Infusionsoft, another Connect My Sales feature can help you out.  Connect My Sales can automatically create product tags for products ordered and then assign those to the customer.  This makes it possible to create tag-applied goals in Infusionsoft’s Campaign Builder to initiate campaigns specific to certain products.

You can use this feature to send a followup email to a customer who purchases a product to remind them when it’s time to re-order (based on the consumption period of the product ordered).  You can also use this feature to send a followup email to upsell an accessory or a product that compliments a product a customer has ordered.

You can also use the Connect My Sales-created product tags to filter contacts — making it easier than ever to identify contacts who:

  • have purchased a specific product (or products)
  • have purchased a specific product (or products) and not purchased another specific product (or products)
  • have not purchased a specific product (or products)

I think you’ll agree that Connect My Sales product tagging gives you exciting new ways to target your customers!  Have questions about this feature?  Contact us today!